Personally trained by Dr. Shad Helmstetter,  Ph.D, best selling author of 16 books, including the classic, "What to Say When Your Talk to Yourself," and most recently, "The Power of Neuroplasticity."

Debie has been a Certified Self-Talk Trainer since 1988, has served as the Training Director of the Self-Talk Institute and is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Self-Talk Institute, which is expanding globally.



Self-Talk is a powerful self-management tool which helps people enhance all aspects of their lives.  It works by replacing negative thinking with new, self-directed, winning programs, based on the breakthrough scientific discovery that every thought you think rewires your brain and changes your life.

In her presentations, Debie provides information on the Self-Talk technique and how it can immediately be applied to increase productivity, create energy and enthusiasm, solve problems and enjoy a more fulfilling life.  Self-Talk programs are designed to meet specific needs in areas including:

  • personal development
  • business management
  • self motivation
  • self esteem
  • positive parenting
  • super sales
  • weight loss

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